· By Twang Partners
Twang Fiesta King and Queen Search
This year, as The Official Beer Salt of Fiesta, we are celebrating by crowning our very own Twang Fiesta King and Queen! 🎉👑
Are you or someone you know worthy of being Twang Royalty?
Do you dress every beer or salt every snack?
Here's your chance to win big!
📸Post a photo or video featuring you or your nominee with their favorite Twang product.
✍In your caption, tell us why you or your nominee deserves to reign as Twang Fiesta King or Queen. Creativity counts!
🎉Use #TwangFiestaRoyalty in your post and make sure you're following @twang_official on Instagram.
- Royal crown and sash to wear your title proudly.
- Twang Product & Swag bag (with a Twang Fiesta Medal of course)
- A Nintendo Switch and game to keep the fiesta going at home.
- A $500 Dollars in CASH for whatever your royal heart desires.
- First dibs on tasting new Twang products before anyone else.
- Tickets to NIOSA and the Fiesta Flambeau Parade
⏰Entries close on April 14th at 11:55 pm and winners will be announced by Monday April 15th, followed by an official crowing ceremony.(date tbd depending on winners' availability) 👑